The Bazaar
The Bazaar is held annually on the first Saturday in November. It is widely known for its handmade crafts, clam chowder, and homemade fruitcakes. The Bazaar is day of fun and fellowship for the church and community.
The Bazaar is held annually on the first Saturday in November. It is widely known for its handmade crafts, clam chowder, and homemade fruitcakes. The Bazaar is day of fun and fellowship for the church and community.
Profits from the Bazaar are generously shared with the church and mission projects in the community.
The Bazaar Fellowship meets each Tuesday from 10:00 am. to 2:00 pm. in Zion’s social hall. Everyone is welcome.
Zion United Methodist Men
The United Methodist Men (ZUMM) meet on the last Thursday of each month at 6:30 in the church social hall for a dinner, devotion and program.
The purpose of ZUMM is to create a Christian fellowship with Zion’s men through activities that benefit our church, the youth and community mission needs.
Fundraisers and events include: The Barney Clark Golf Tournament, a seafood dinner, the fall Bazaar, a family picnic, a Christmas dinner, and other events to support our church and community.
Activities and programs supported by ZUMM are: Heart Havens, Camp rainbow, Zion’s youth program including annual scholarships given to deserving Zion high school graduates who are continuing their education, Hunters for the Hungry, PORT, Vacation Bible School, the Wesley Foundation, Upper Room Ministry, York County Shop with a Sheriff, Troop 123 BSA, and Pack 155 CSA.
The purpose of ZUMM is to create a Christian fellowship with Zion’s men through activities that benefit our church, the youth and community mission needs.
Fundraisers and events include: The Barney Clark Golf Tournament, a seafood dinner, the fall Bazaar, a family picnic, a Christmas dinner, and other events to support our church and community.
Activities and programs supported by ZUMM are: Heart Havens, Camp rainbow, Zion’s youth program including annual scholarships given to deserving Zion high school graduates who are continuing their education, Hunters for the Hungry, PORT, Vacation Bible School, the Wesley Foundation, Upper Room Ministry, York County Shop with a Sheriff, Troop 123 BSA, and Pack 155 CSA.
George Stephenson is our ZUMM President
United Methodist Women
The Zion United Methodist Women (UMW) is a small but active group of women who devote themselves to mission projects, both locally and beyond. The spring UMCOR
Kits for Conference project began at Zion and entails church members assembling various kits needed for disasters around the world (school, sewing, layette, health, bedding, and flood bucket). The kits are organized, boxed and delivered to the Annual Conference. At Christmas, the Mitten Tree project collects gloves, mittens, hats, scarves, and socks for the Henry Fork Service Center in Rocky Mount, VA. The UMW
donate food to the York County Food Closet, books to Zion’s library. They crochet items needed by the District to be given to nursing homes and send greeting cards to Zion’s members who are in the military. The World Day of Prayer is supported with a monetary contribution. These women also find time to attend District workshops and study groups.
Kits for Conference project began at Zion and entails church members assembling various kits needed for disasters around the world (school, sewing, layette, health, bedding, and flood bucket). The kits are organized, boxed and delivered to the Annual Conference. At Christmas, the Mitten Tree project collects gloves, mittens, hats, scarves, and socks for the Henry Fork Service Center in Rocky Mount, VA. The UMW
donate food to the York County Food Closet, books to Zion’s library. They crochet items needed by the District to be given to nursing homes and send greeting cards to Zion’s members who are in the military. The World Day of Prayer is supported with a monetary contribution. These women also find time to attend District workshops and study groups.
Joan Mills is our UMW President
Need Prayer? We’ll Pray For You
Need prayer? We would love to pray for you. You can send us a message for prayer.