There are many mission opportunities at Zion. We support the York County Food Closet, Natasha House, and Lackey Free Clinic; all in located in York County. THRIVE Peninsula and feeding the homeless community through PORT. As well as, Society of St. Andrew and UMCOR through kits and monetary gifts to their special projects. Below you will find more information on a few of these projects.
York County Food Closet
Zion is a big supporter of the York County Food Closet. With collection bins always available in the Commons, this is an ongoing project. We also have several campaigns throughout the year to raise funds, assemble special goodie bags, or collect non-perishable items.
If you would like to find out more about the York County Food Closet you can visit their website here.

THRIVE Shoe Drive
Zion has a red collection bin in the Commons for shoes in any size or condition. As shoes are donated we box them and deliver them to THRIVE. Here are the benefits of donating your shoes to THRIVE.
- Support the development of micro-enterprises in third world nations (primarily Haiti)
- Keep shoes out of our local landfills.
- Earn funds to support local families in distress. Since 2014, the organization has raised $34,200 through this initiative, which in turn, supports THRIVES programs.
THRIVE also offers finance assistance and planning, an emergency food pantry and collaborates with churches and other faith based organizations to help those in need in our community. Click here to visit their website and learn more.
York County Head Start – Angel Tree
Each year Zion sponsors two Angel Tree ministries. Our Christmas in July Angel Tree provides new shoes for the children in the York County Head Start program.
In December, the tags on the Angel Tree are for shirts, pants, coats, and other clothes for the children in Head Start.
Everyone has a great time shopping for the new shoes and outfits and the staff and families at Head Start are very appreciative of our gifts.

Need Prayer? We’ll Pray For You
Need prayer? We would love to pray for you. You can send us a message for prayer.